Julie Rodriguez | 313-550-5729 | jrod@canna-personnel.com
Human Capital Solutions for Cannabis Innovators
Canna Personnel was created in 2019 to address the needs of employers in the Cannabis industry for individuals skilled in building niche relationships.
Our team’s collective experience and knowledge of the Cannabis industry is foundational to advancing human capital solutions for employers. We recruit tactically to seek out the most exemplary candidates for positions in management, technical roles, and others that will add to an organization’s quality and performance.
An Extension of Your Team
Canna Personnel extends the operational strength of organizations by providing turnkey human resource services to employee bases of any size. Our team handles the unmanageable aspects of employee management, such as paperwork, company profit claims, insurance and should the event arise, incident resolution. After thirty years of service to Ford Motor Company, among others, and placing more than 1,000 long-term employees, we are confident in our ability to recruit for the most critical roles.

Julie Rodriguez

Julie has been an Account Manager and HR Professional, specializing in Talent Placement, Talent Acquisition, and Talent Management for over 30 years. Her career has spanned multiple Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies in a wide range of industries.
Her experience in Human Capital Solutions, includes strategic resource planning, performance management, staffing, federal and state law compliance, employment contract negotiations, employee benefits, compensation, payroll, training and development.
She provides hands-on service to both employees and clients, offering solutions to meet their needs. Her success comes from her ability to build long-term relationships with both her employees and clients.